As a nurse it is my job, on a minute by minute basis, to look at worst case scenarios, see the opportunities for improvement, implement a plan to move forward, and make adjustments along the way, all with the goal of helping a human realize their highest level of functioning and fullest potential.
Personally speaking, I love how humans are hardwired to help one another. Related, the internet and and showing people medium us this tool to share helpful information was a game-changer for my life and ones I have helped.
In fact, the sole reason I still a nurse in such an emotionally taxing field, is that I love facilitating human connections that alleviate all sorts of pain.
Along the way, I started to see other ways to leverage my experience, after all, I did not go in to nursing for the money, yet like you, I have bills to pay. That is a story of another day.
As I went along this value discovery journey in entrepreneurship, I noticed others who also wanted to explore career options outside of "what they went to school for."
They too wanted to learn about career alternative, but did not know what was out there or where to start.
I want this site to serve as inspiration, and permission for those who need that, to start to explore your next thing.
I am using this site as a personal collection of information and inspiration, related to what I have found to be helpful.
I welcome you to grow with me!