Occasionally I seek out Guest Contributors who have interesting career stories.
While these stories were delivered PRE-COVID19, in light of what that is changing in Healthcare, their experiences are even more timely for ALL who may be re-evaluating aspects of their career or business.
As always, I have not worked directly with many of the Guest I feature.
I simply share Business stories with this one hope :
That you will reach out to the Guest Contributor, learn more about how they help people, and then go from there!
About our Guest Contributor Chido Samantha Mbavarira:
My mission is to help women master their online business so they can have more impact and income. This is done through my 1:1 strategy consulting, coaching and The Master Your Business Accelerator Program.I am truly operating in my zone of genius when I get to help you package, promote and profit from confidently selling your signature programs and service.
Are you ready to be next?
What is your company name?
What problem does your company solve?
My mission is that coaches, consultants, and experts can package, promote, and profit in your business online with clarity and action.
When did you first see this problem as one that needed to be solved?
I have been working with coaches, consultants, and experts who wanted help with the front end (content and social media marketing) and back end ( systems, processes, operations, and project management) of their business. Their overall goal was to launch a premium product or service in their business.
Did the problem ever seem like it was bigger than you?
Yes, I wanted to focus on helping people get bigger results in their business instead of piecemealing it all together. They need help with clarity and action, so I created an accelerator program that helps people package, promote and profit from confidently selling signature programs and services.
What makes YOU stand out from others who may solve similar problems?
I have do strategy and implementation, so I can see the macro and micro needs that need to get done. This is helpful to manage expectations, provide shortcrust and nest practices.
Some say, "It's not what you know, it's about who you know." In terms of developing business relationships, do you agree with that statement? Please explain your rationale.
I agree. Man was never meant to be alone, and neither are we in business. Business is and will always be about people. The people we are serving and the people we surround ourselves with. Being around other like-minded people who are on the same mindset, vision and drive as you is the room you want to be in, even if you have to pay to take a seat at the table. Business relationships can be leveraged as a referral program, joint venture partnerships, podcast guests, or lead magnet swaps.
Tell us about your transition. What was the process of moving away from the employee role into a business role? What mindset shifts, if any, did you need to make?
I had no option but to jump. I was laid off and my employment insurance ran out so I had to take the leap. I did it broke, scared, atone and with no one in my family understanding or supporting me. The belief of it being all or nothing took over and I hand no other option which made me tune out fear and the comfort of taking the leap of starting my own business.
What has been the hardest thing in starting in your specific type of business or job role?
You can only be as good as your mindset. I know it started there first and want it always to be nurtured as I progress to the next stage of life and business. You need to shift who you are choosing to be in every stage of business. You must be open to learning and, most importantly, unlearn new views, beliefs and stories you have about your life and business. Business reveals nad at times, heightens our strengths and our weaknesses. It will be best that the sooner you can unpack your 9-5 mindest, reconcile with imposter syndrome and not wait for permission or comfort to take action then the quicker you will step into the CEO role of your business. It all begins and ends with your mindset.
What has been the most rewarding thing about being in your business or job role?
The people I help and seeing the transformation they make that they did not see possible.
What would you say are the five important resources (books, conferences, associations) for a nurse who wants to explore business?
1. Wellpreneur: The Ultimate Guide for Wellness Entrepreneurs to Nail Your Niche and Find Clients Online- by Amanda Cook
2. The Wellpreneur Podcast" by Amanda Cook
3. The Nurse's Guide to Innovation: Accelerating the Journey Kindle Edition- by Bonnie Clipper
4. Mind Your Business Podcast- James Wedmore
5. Well Summit is an event dedicated to helping you live your healthiest & most fulfilling life for wellness enthusiasts, professionals & entrepreneurs- https://wellsummit.org/
Who supported you during this transition? Did you have paid mentorship or coaching? If so, what made you make that investment in paid support?
I have invested in business since the day I started. I took up courses and coaching to gain additional expertise and experience. I learned how to start a business online from the ground up 2016, this included learning web design, graphics design, social media, email marketing, systems and operations, etc. Investing in a digital marketing program helped me launch my business faster and it was the first thing clients hired me to help them with. I benefited from having virtual pod groups that connect with me weekly to support each other's business. I also have access to groups of people who I can collaborate with or refer my clients to.
Is there any way to give our readers a small taste of what you do?
10 Business Lessons I learnt since starting my business
#1Taking Action is Business is Messy- I will always allow business actions to be messy and not perfect– That is just part of the process.
#2 Starting is easy, staying on course is not- I am always going to focus on doing what most are not willing to do and continue to bet on myself.
#3 Don't Be Afraid To Fail-I will be not letting the fear of failure sit with me for too long, do it afraid! Always
#4 Invest with Money, not Just Time- This is why I continually invest in myself and my business with training, coaching, people, and partnerships
#5 You Are As Good As The People Around You - I have a Google sheet of people I want to work with and invest in
#6 You are not Selling -I’m going never to fear to ask for the sale. I am operating from a place of serving, not selling.
#7 Know Your Stage in Business and How to Get to the Next - I want to know where I am heading and making sure my why is aligned with reaching the destination
#8 Lean-to Push, Pause or Pivot-I’m learning to ask what is working in my business and what will I need to push forward, pause or pivot to get me to the next stage.
#9 Systems and Processes + DELEGATE - I always create a process to make it quick and easier for me, my team, clients and students.
#10 Master your Mindset -I’ve decided to bring more of this to my work with clients and students by asking them to explore their own stories, beliefs
Is there anything else you would like readers to know?
Some people are looking for permission to go to the nest stage in their business but are stuck with getting clarity and need help taking action. They need to know that they are the only ones who can give them permission and everything is already inside of them. I love working with people to do this and move the needle in their business.
Connect with Chido Samantha Mbavarira
You Can Connect with Chido via Social Media: @Chido_Samanthaa
About the business of nursing founder Amelia Roberts RN
Amelia felt invisible in her role as a registered nurse and chose to learn how to use social media for something beyond watching cat videos.
Now alongside other hats, Amelia elevates the voice of nurses and helps her clients get booked as guest experts on live videos, podcasts and/or virtual conferences so that they can grow their audience without feeling the need to “overshare” or document their entire lives on social media.
When she is not slaying obscurity you can find her planning real and imagined food tours.
Feel free to connect with her on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/ameliaroberts/