The Business of Estheticians with Nurse Nakia Campbell

What is your company name?

A Nurse's Touch Too; Massage and Skincare

What problem does your company solve?

My services help people to focus on self care.

When did you first see this problem as one that needed to be solved?

All my adult working life it has been a problem for me. I see it day in and out. People always put themselves last. Especially nurses, as we are caregivers by nature.

Did the problem ever seem like it was bigger than you?


What makes YOU stand out from others who may solve similar problems?

I am the only spa in my town that offers care from a provider that is licensed in three wellness fields.

What, if any, concerns are there related to nurses NOT knowing about non-traditional roles?

The health and beauty Industry is an amazing industry for nurses. I have clients daily tell me that they come to me because of my nursing background. We also sleep on the fact that there’s quite a bit of money that can be made in this industry.

Some say, "It's not what you know, it's about who you know." In terms of developing business relationships, do you agree with that statement? Please explain your rationale.

I totally agree with that. For example, my business coach has helped me so much. I have been having issues with planning the Black Esthetician & Skin Therapists cruise. People just would not commit. I then brought it to my business coach's attention. Within a week of talking to her, it had sold out.

Tell us about your transition. What was the process of moving away from the clinical role into a business role? What mindset shifts, if any, did you need to make?

It was slow and rough going at first. I had the "help people" mindset, not a business mindset. Once I started treating my business like a business, things started happening.

What has been the hardest thing in starting in your specific type of business or job role?

The hardest part has been being the only provider of color in my town. I’m not the average Barbie doll type in the spa industry. So people see me and sometimes are a little bit surprised that I am very plain. This allows people of all shapes, sizes and skin tones to relax. I operate in a judgement-free zone.

What has been the most rewarding thing about being in your business or job role?

The most rewarding thing is the freedom of time that I have gained. I started this business because I wanted to spend as much time possible with my grandson five years ago. Didn’t want to miss out on his life like I did my kids, working 12-hour shifts taking care of others. Two grandchildren later and I set my own schedule. I can take off to go on a field trip or take them to the movies if I want to.

What would you say are the five important resources ( books, conferences associations) for a nurse who wants explore business?


Let's talk legal stuff. Many nurses are afraid of this part of business. How did you address this concern in your business ? What worked for you?

As my coach says, "Find you a good team." 

Who supported you during this transition? Did you have paid mentorship or coaching? If so, what made you make that investment in paid support?

I had great coach that helped me along. Her Name is Candace Holyfield, The Six figure Spa Chick. She’s out of Atlanta and has been amazing. When I started with her, there were weeks that I had only two clients. Now I’m consistently seeing 15 to 20 people a week. Investing in myself was hard. I had heard nightmares about coaches who did not deliver. I didn’t want to be one of those stories. So I reached out to her. I spoke to her at midnight New Year’s Eve and that started our relationship. 

What would you like others to know about what you do?

LPN 14 years, LMT 5 years, Esthetican 2 years. Mom to 3, Gigi to 3, I love to travel and cruising is a favorite of mine. We have the Black Esthetician 2019 Cruise in the works. It’s April 18th-22nd. We have four great speakers, including my business coach, Candace Holyfield.

Is there anything else you would like readers to know?

You can do so much more than bedside nursing if you choose to. I never would have thought that there was so much to the beauty/spa industry.


Nakia Campbell LPN LMT LE

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True you have to be out there, visible for the community to see. They need to know you offer a product or service. They also need to know what it is.