Start Where You Are

( Updated 11/2019)

In nursing, you must be perfect. If you are less than perfect you may kill someone. That is a little dramatic, but it's not too far from reality. When you are less than perfect, you are punished in some way. You meet with your upper level, you are given a plan, you are asked to sign something. While this is an oversimplification, I am sure many can relate to this.

The problem with wanting to be perfect is that we are all imperfect. The fear of "not doing it right" the first time is a VERY scary fear, especially to many nurses. I am still working through this fear. Take this blog--of ALL my thoughts that I have ALL day long, I have only felt comfortable sharing a handful publicly. As I look at what is happening in the profession of nursing, I see that others do not feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, either. The thing is, not speaking to our value is dangerous and can be damaging to our career and profession.

For instance, we all have seen nurses with many years of experience being FORCED to retire. While in their roles, they may not have reminded others about why that role is essential.

In speaking to some of these professionals, they have told me “ I feel uncomfortable with talking about my accomplishments”.

So I ask you, if THEY do not speak to the value they bring, WHO will?

Starting to speak to your worth as a mission driven professional, healer, as a business owner can be challenge.

But just starting the process is super important.


Here is something helpful shared in a Facebook Group:


“Next week I am presenting at a local hospital on how to to use Social Media for Rapid Professional Development. This hospital is not a national organization or anything, yet it's a beginning.”

Start Where You Are

Readers, I started where I was ( an internet addict) and picked social media as a side hustle because it was easy to get started and I have seen success for myself and others when it came to building engaged audiences.

Yet please mind you, Social media management is not my end game, it was JUST my starting point.

So I ask you, where have you seen success in your professional life as whole?

Do not limit your areas of past success to your day job!

For instance, I went from using social media to keep in touch with friends and watch cat videos to choosing to mature this skill by taking classes and as a result, I ended up working with a NGO on their digital marketing curriculum, the health department on an Influencer campaign and other five figure projects.

Zone of Genius

If you are wondering about your zone of genius and where to start, always think about what comes easy for you.

As a digital native, social media and technology are my jam learning new applications comes easily.

What comes easily for you?

To help with brainstorming, think about what others ask you to do for them.

For example, on my day job I work with folks 10+ years older than me, they always ask me for tech help to avoid a call to the IT help desk.

What are people asking you to help them with on your job or in life?

Think about what you volunteer to do for others because you see a need, you want to fill AND you have FUN doing it!

The Fun Part

Once you do this step, finding a need that people will pay to have met is an easy next step.

What delayed me in JUST getting started by YEARS was looking at loved ones who were doing very well and wanting my START to look like their END result. That sort of thinking was too bright....I only figured this out last year...with the help of a sales coach or two.


“To achieve greatness, start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.”

Arthur Ashe

Action Steps

Are you happy with your level of visibility?

Do the people who need what you after even know that you exist?

Will you choose get started and make it clear to others how you can help them?

If you need any support with this, click here to set up a time to share your story with me.