Business Resource: Meet Your Income Goals w/ Chantelle Cotton

Episode: “The Business of Meeting Your Income Goals with Chantelle Cotton”

Welcome to another episode of Nurse Marketing: The Business of Nursing!

I don’t know about you, but it can feel like all of the rules to building a business or pivoting has changed overnight…or at least over the past two weeks.

The recent uncertainties have left a lot of business owners wondering how they will generate enough revenue to support their business and care for their needs.

While I had planned to talk to Chantelle Pre COVID 19, this interview could NOT have happened at a better time.

As always, I have not worked directly with many of the Guest I feature.

I simply share Business stories with this one hope :

That you will reach out to the Guest Contributor, learn more about how they help people, and then go from there!


About our Guest

Chantelle Cotton is a master event and sales strategist and coach, motivational speaker with over 18 years of sales experience and a proven track record to follow. She teaches entrepreneurs, small business owners and corporations how to increase their revenue by closing more sales before, during and after an event. Her authentic sales approach is both conventional and unconventional, focusing more on the conversation and relationship building aspects of the sales process versus just sales. This technique, in turn, transforms into closing more sales, resulting in raising your bottom line. And through the creation of Luxxe Level Group sales training and business development company and the Why do I say yes program, Chantelle is able to impart wisdom from her lessons learned and experiences to the audience across the nation. She is a widely sought after speaker whose effectiveness is attributed to the fact that she has actually lived the life of what she speaks about.

Topics Covered:

0:56 – Amelia introduces Chantelle Cotton as someone who teaches entrepreneurs, small business owners and corporations how to increase their revenue by closing more sales before, during and after an event. She also introduces her business and what it does.

3:20 – Shares why she shares her wisdom with other people.

4:19 Shares a Backstory of how she started to do what she does and offering to help people today.

11:05 – Shares some of the main goals that she wanted to accomplish when she started doing her own business.

15:31 – Shares about the struggles or challenges she faced along the way of her business and how she overcame them.

21:23 – Explains how she helps people attain their goals through coaching.

23:33 – Talks about how an entrepreneur should advertise their businesses to generate more curiosity for people to want to know more about their business.

34:53 – Shares how she works with people in terms of a partnership.

Main Takeaways and Quotes

“When you know better you do better. And being authentic and transparent is, to be the best form of developing relationships and rapport with people, so that you can show them or learn from them what it is that they need to do to take themselves to the next level or become the better version of yourself.” - Chantelle Cotton

“There are two types of people in life, ones who make things happen and ones who watch things happen.” - Chantelle Cotton

I think it's Bill Gates who says you need seven streams of income and what have you. Although I had my corporate position, I wanted another stream just in case corporate went out the window.” - Chantelle Cotton

One of the leaders in the mastermind group had pulled me to the side and said, you know what, you would really be good at teaching people what you just taught because that's something that's transferable that you can teach some of these entrepreneurs out here that don't understand if they don't make sales, they only have a hobby.” - Chantelle Cotton

I needed to replace the income that I was losing, I needed to make sure that I had the proper structure and training and resources as well as mentorship in place to help me along the way to make sure I did everything legally.” - Chantelle Cotton

I just kept going, just kept learning and just kept trying to understand and still making mistakes along the way because mistakes help you grow and help you become better.” - Chantelle Cotton

I say that a sale is a conversation between two people kind of come to a common goal, you have a problem, I have a solution, let's see if we can work together. If not, if you aren't my ideal client based on our conversation, is there anyone that you know that could benefit from the services that I have to offer?” - Chantelle Cotton

The nursing process is an assessment and not necessarily in this order, but assessment identifying a need or a problem, coming up with an intervention, implementing it, setting goals and evaluating it.” – Amelia

It’s all about the ask, and how they ask the offer that they make at the end of their speech or throughout the speech that they're giving that intrigues someone and makes them want to know more.” - Chantelle Cotton

You give just enough to get you guys excited and want more and you set it up to have them ask you for more. It's all in your language, your words, your positioning, and the way you end it.” - Chantelle Cotton

I would tell them to tell a story. A story that's compelling, a story that's relatable, a story that's going to capture the attention of the audience, but still doesn't take away from the point that you're trying to make and land it home.” - Chantelle Cotton

I just take what they have already, and help them restructure it basically, so that it delivers the way they want to.” - Chantelle Cotton

Chantelle just said that she offers role plays at a couple of different levels of service. And of course, if you want her out for yourself, you'll have to definitely make that investment.” - Amelia

Thanks for Tuning In!

Thanks so much for being with us this week. Have some feedback you'd like to share?

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Thanks for listening!

Lisa Manyon “The Business Marketing Architect

To connect with Amelia:

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