Business Resource: Get HELP for your Business w/ Jamie

Episode: “The Business of Getting HELP with Jamie ”

Welcome to another episode of Nurse Marketing: The Business of Nursing!

While navigating this new normal, we may find that we have more time on our hands to focus on projects that have been on the back burner.

If that is the case with you, how can you make the best use of the time you have?

Maybe there is a website project that you would like to start?

Or you may have a plan to finally get consistent with putting out social media posts.

Yet shortly after starting this project, you quickly realize something…

You did not go to school for marketing or web design!

If anything about this sounds familiar, check out this episode with Jamie!

About our Guest

Jamie Van Cuyk is a small business consultant who helps high performing business owners grow their teams. With over 10 years of leadership experience, Jamie teaches her clients how to hire and manage loyal team members so that they can feel confident and supported as they move their business forward.

Topics Covered:

0:51 – Jamie introduces herself as a person who helps business owners grow their teams.

1:29 – Shares or explains how she started to do what it is that she does.

5:32 – Shares all the problems that she knows she solves for her ideal clients.

9:01 – Shares suggestions on how people can help maintain quality if they can't exactly tell a contractor what to do.

11:19 - Explains when she realized that she wanted to do what she does.

15:00 – Shares what she thinks would be at stake if people don't work with her.

19:25 – Shares a few different ways people can work with her who are about to post on Facebook, I need a virtual assistant, but they also don't want to be spammed with 50 people saying that they are virtual assistants.

22:43 – Talks about her best strategic partnerships.

25:25 – Explains how she met her first strategic partners.

28:12 – She gives practical steps to somebody who is rebuilding their professional network.

Main Takeaways and Quotes

I loved helping people learn how to get more from their teams, how to communicate better with their teams. It was definitely what I needed to be doing.” – Jamie Van Cuyk

“I started learning that most people that were starting their own business never had to hire someone until they were in that role, never really led a team before, and now they had a business that required them to lead a team. And they didn't know what they were doing and they were stumbling and they started asking me for help.” – Jamie Van Cuyk

I help clients figure out what position they can add to their business that's going to provide them the best return on their investment.” – Jamie Van Cuyk

“Anybody that you're going to pay to do work for your business should actually contribute to your business earning more money.” – Jamie Van Cuyk

You don't have as many hours in the day as Beyonce because she has a full team behind her.” – Jamie Van Cuyk

With a contractor, you're hiring them for an end result. With an employee, you can go in and really dictate the process they can follow to get to that end result. You still have control over that end results and there are things you can do, you can build in checkpoints along the way, especially if it's a longer project to make sure that they're working towards that end results.” – Jamie Van Cuyk

When you're leading a team, you're creating those working and functional relationships. Your employees and team members know that you care about them, which in turn makes it so they care about your company.” – Jamie Van Cuyk

You need to make sure that you're hiring for your specific needs, and that's one of the areas that I help my clients with so that they can go on and find the right person.” – Jamie Van Cuyk

Even if you're hiring a contractor versus an employee, you still want to have a fully developed job posting that clearly defines what you need in the position, what tasks need to be done so that you can make the right decisions on who you're going to interview.” – Jamie Van Cuyk

As you're thinking about ways to grow your business, think about what people need before your service, what they need after your service, what they need alongside what it is that you do, and start to develop those relationships.” – Amelia 

“Opportunities are not clouds floating in the sky, they're attached to humans, and the more often that you can talk to enough of the right people, amazing things just have to happen.” Amelia 

You have to start somewhere. Just go out and start networking and building relationships with the people who are going to lead you to that business that you want.” – Jamie Van Cuyk

Thanks for Tuning In!

Thanks so much for being with us this week. Have some feedback you'd like to share?

Please leave a note in the comments section below!

If you enjoyed this episode on how to improve working with virtual assistants, contractors and others, please share it with your friends!

Thanks for listening!

Lisa Manyon “The Business Marketing Architect

Connect with Jamie Van Cuyk:


To connect with Amelia:

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